
Saturday, February 9, 2019

January 2019: Putting some hills back into my cycling legs

With the extended work hours (due to persistent human resource problem at work since November) and all the raining (my current living space isn't convenient for frequent bike-washing), I was very lucky to fit in a couple of proper bike rides in January. Gosh know I'm getting late preparing for the BWR again this year!

Once you get to Elfin Forest Rd, several alternative no-traffic paved routes opens up on the way to Double Peak.
Double Peak is still the favorite haunt when I only have time for a short ride. Don't mistake me for any badass, though. I'm a bona fide heat-wimp and only enjoy that climb when it is cooler than 70F out. Most of the year I shed a million tear grinding my way up the thing.

The view at the top of DP just doesn't get old.
San Elijo Hills, the neighborhood on the southern slope of Double Peak, is full of secret trails.
I take a lot of photos of that whole area whenever I ride there now. The view is changing rather rapidly with all the new houses being put in. A new view for the year, tho, is one of water overflowing the top of Lake San Marcos Dam. San Diego County, with all the rain we've had so far, is still officially in level 1 drought, so seeing frothing water flowing in local lakes and creeks is a nice thing!

Looking down on Lake San Marcos Dam and the surrounding greening hills.
In mid-January the stars finally aligned and one of the few short windows of dry weather coincided with two of my days off, and I finally got to introduce the new bike to an old friend - Palomar Mtn.

One of the nice things about riding with a helmet rear-view mirror is being able to spot a nice view happening behind me as I climb... so that I can stop and properly enjoy it.
New bike at Lake Henshaw
Some people climb Palomar for fun. I do it because it's a lot of hills to re-condition my legs in a hurry in just a few miles... And, of course, because of the 12 wiggly all downhill miles with just one stop sign descent. It's a kind of 'fun' worth paying/sweating for.

These cute little Oregon juncos are quite worth climbing hills to see.
Looking west from Palomar Mtn almost to the ocean behind the Cerro de las Posas in the distance.
There were loads of birds about, and a lot of time to gawk at them before dropping back into town again.

If only I could be out there every day...  

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Thanks for stopping by. Be safe on the roads!